Explorer <or My Computer> is used to create a totally new share form the begin.
To create a share using Explorer /My Computer >> click the directory you want to share >>Properties >>Sharing ...>>Permissions...
Server Manager can only "share" a already shared directory, i.e. to specify a new different share name and a set of permissions for that already shared directory. In other words, Server Manager can only re-share a share created by Explorer.
To "share" a directory with Server Manager >>select a computer >> Computer >>Shared Directories >>New Share
>>Server Manager >> Shares >>
Tip: Disconnecting users who are using resources may result in loss of data. It is a good idea to warn connected users before disconnecting them.
Notes and Tips
If the Sharing tab is not visible, try using Services in Control Panel to start Server service.
You can use comments to help people locate info you have shared. To read these, click Details on the Network Neighborhood View menu, and look under Comment.
You use the procedure described above to share disk.
Don't foget Disk Administrator can also be used to backup (save) part of the Registry to floppy disk.
Using Disk Administrator, you can backup and restore disk configuration, i.e. assigned drive letters, volume sets, stripe sets, stripe sets with parity, and mirror sets.
To save disk configuration information
On the Partition menu, point to Configuration, and then click Save.
A message appears, asking you to insert a blank floppy disk, a floppy disk with a previous version of the configuration information, or the Emergency Repair Disk. Insert a blank floppy disk and then click OK.
See Also
The Dr. Watson for Windows NT program (DRWTSN32.EXE) is preinstalled in your system directory, typically c:\....\system32, when Windows NT is set up. The default options are set the first time Dr. Watson for Windows NT runs, which can be either when an application error occurs or when you run it from the command prompt or in the Run dialog box.
When an application error occurs, the system looks in \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\AeDebug for the values named Debugger and Auto. The Debugger value shows the name of the debugger specified to analyze application errors. If the Debugger value is found, the system checks to see if the Auto value is set to zero or one.
If Auto is set to zero, the system generates a message box that advises you that an error has occurred in the application. If the Debugger value contains the name of a valid debugger (such as WinDbg or NTSD), the message box will have two buttons: OK and Cancel. If you choose the OK button, the application is terminated. If you choose the Cancel button, the debugger specified in the Debugger value is started. If the Debugger value is empty, the message box will have only an OK button and no debugger will start.
If Auto is set to one and a debugger is specified in the Debugger value, the system does not generate a message box before automatically starting the debugger.
When Windows NT is set up on your system, the Auto value is set by default to one and the Debugger value is set to DRWTSN32. This means that when an application error occurs, Dr. Watson for Windows NT will automatically diagnose the error and log the appropriate diagnostic information.
If you have been using a different application as your default debugger, and you want to use Dr. Watson instead, go to the command prompt and use the command drwtsn32 -i to start Dr. Watson. The -i switch causes the necessary changes to be made to the Registry.
You can use the main dialog box to change the behavior of Dr. Watson for Windows NT. The data that you specify is stored in the system Registry under the key \\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\DrWatson.
Information about the dialog box:
Log File Path
The log file location must be a valid path on your local computer. The default path is the Windows directory. This path is where Dr. Watson for Windows NT will create the DRWTSN32.LOG log file containing the diagnostic information about application errors.
Be sure that the path specified is one to which all users have Read/Write privileges. If Dr. Watson for NT cannot use the path specified when a log file is created, a File Open dialog box is presented for you to specify a new path.
Crash dump
The crash dump file must be specified if you select the Create Crash dump File check box at the bottom of the dialog box. The default path is the Windows directory. The crash dump file (user.dmp by default, together with the Drwtsn32.log, in C:\winnt root) is a binary file that can be loaded into the Windows Debugger.
Be sure that the path specified is one to which all users have Read/Write privileges. If Dr. Watson for Windows NT cannot use the path specified when a crash-dump file is created, a File Open dialog box is presented for you to specify a new path.
Number of Instructions to Disassemble
Sets the maximum number that Dr. Watson for Windows NT will disassemble before and after the current program counter for each thread state dump.
Number of Application Errors to Save in the Event Log
When Dr. Watson for Windows NT detects an application error, extensive diagnostic info is logged into the DRWTSN32.LOG file. Dr. Watson for NT also records an entry in the NT Event Viewers Application event log containing the application name, date, time, exception number, exception name, program counter, and function name at the current program counter. It also stores the complete diagnostic info that was logged for that error.
Dump the Symbol Table
This option determines whether or not Dr. Watson for NT dumps the symbol table for each module. The symbol table dump contains the address and name for each symbol.
Note: Be aware, though, that this option can cause your log file to become very large.
Create a State Dump for Each Thread
This option controls for how many threads Dr. Watson for Windows NT will dump state information. If this option is set, Dr. Watson for Windows NT logs a state dump for each thread in the application causing the error. Otherwise, Dr. Watson for Windows NT logs only the thread that caused the application error.
Create Crash Dump File
This option determines whether or not Dr. Watson for Windows NT creates a binary crash dump file that can later be loaded into the Windows Debugger for debugging. If you mark this checkbox you must also specify a filename for the crash dump file in the Crash Dump text box at the top of the dialog box.